Your logo is the hub around which you build your brand, and as such really is one of the most important pieces in your marketing kit.

Your awesome business needs an awesome logo.

What is it that makes a logo awesome? We know the answer to that question - it’s our job!

If you would like to find out, just follow along…

Just a quick one today to share a mini-project we completed using a logo we created for a client.

It's a short demo video to give you an idea of some cool stuff that can be done with your logo and brand. 

It's a great piece of visual marketing that can be used on different social media networks, to hook people to come back to visit your website.
Pretty awesome, right?

Take a look at some more branding ideas we came up with for the same client. Who knows, you might find some fun inspiration for your own business and brand. 

If you want to be kept updated with things ands stuff we get up, subscribe to our newsletter and we'll stay in touch.

This is a guest post from SEO experts, Tasty Placement.

Popular brands all have one thing in common: they're successful. They usually have the kind of earnings that most people could ever dream of achieving. It's obvious that they made a number of good decisions to get where they are, but which of those decisions were the most influential in getting them there?

The answer to that question is relatively simple. Each of the most well-known brands have a logo that represents them in a way that seems perfect. It's not just about color, nor is it about the font that they use. The logo that each company uses represents it perfectly in terms of style. That means when a customer sees a product with a red bullseye, they immediately know who made that product and they can guess as to how reliable that product is.

You can probably understand why logos can be considered one of the most influential elements in a business's marketing strategy. This begs another question: which elements of a logo make it successful? The best way to understand this is to see a breakdown of logos from the top brands.

This infographic was originally featured on TastyPlacement.com.

Logo design and fonts used
Are you looking for expert help with your logo and branding?
We have the experience and expertise to make your business stand out from your competitors.
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The eBook revolution is here!

eBooks have come a long way in the past few years. With the explosion of digital reading devices, the market for downloadable books is growing at a staggering rate. In December 2011, Amazon released figures suggesting that their customers purchased in excess of one million Kindle devices per week. With the increasing popularity of other readers such as Nook, iBook and Kobo, the stage is set for a complete upheaval of traditional publishing practices.

So where does that leave the small business owner, looking to leverage this surge in popularity of digital book publishing? Let's look at some questions you should be asking yourself as you steer your eBook towards publication.


Graphic and web design company